Friday, April 2, 2010

No Evil

I am facinated by vipasana, it sounds and seems so simple to just watch your own breadth, but when you are actually doing it then you realise even the minute is eternity. Thoughts in mind are so delusional, they either go in past or in future but never in present. I have seen, when i am in present i do not have any fear or worry or tension or anxiety, its only when i am day dreaming that i hop from remebering the embarassment of past mistakes or suddenly fearing for the future.

I know this, but still i do not implement it, like i have the knowledge but no wisdom. It has been the same for long time, when i was in school i knew i should study; but did i study? I knew i should have stood up against Kamal, but i did not. Most of the times i have taken easier path or i always lacked the courage to stand for what i beleived.

Like SAS has motto " Who dares wins", i know, but has it been implemented.....

Gita has very important lesson, ie not to be attached to fruits of your action......seems so simple, like vipasana, but its like nuclear bomb of spirutuality......if i can master that then nothing can stop me, just like nuclear bomb its difficult to make, but devastating to use... right sense of mind is required for it. Because if i look back at my own experience or see the egs in history of mankind then i observed that greates killers on this planet has been world leaders like Genghis Khan, Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, Japanese
emperor, and they arose because the normal people were not following their dharam, they were too much engrossed by what they can get out by collaborating with these dictators and other extreme to this has been the path followed by Buddha, Christ, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela....these people did not work for fame,wealth or recognistion it just that they followed what they beleived was right and every other thing felt into place.

Isn't this world fascinating place, it has been shaped by both the tyrants and saints. So i do not understand why does church always portrays god on the side of good, because god doesnt discriminate, it has created both the evil and good.

Essentially evil and good balance themselves out. If you look at law of nature, big fish eats small fish. from viewpoint of small fish its evil but from big fish point of view its good.......

But then at the end of the day i still don't know what should be done.......

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